Sabtu, 04 Februari 2017

Webtoon again (Review)

Black Comedy or Dark Comedy is a comic style that makes light of subjects that are generally considered serious or taboo. Literary critics have associated black comedy and black humor with authors as early as the ancient Greeks with Aristophanes. Black comedy corresponds to the earlier concept of gallows humor.  It’s literally copy paste from Wikipedia actually hehehehe, because I agreed the best way to explain something is through Wikipedia idea.
Well, I think you started to cath where this post will headed this time. Yup and yup, you gotta be one hundred percent right if you guessed I’m gonna talking about somebook or story, because in case I open the fisrt line by some genre of sroty, so it’s gonna story review this time hehehe. So, talking about Black Humor I’m gonna talking about some comic in Webtoon which capturing my interest now days,  it’s titled Cinema Of Darkness, Probably you enjoyed reading comic through  Webtoon, and if in your version the tilted will be different, well we can match it by author of the comic; BEN. Yeah, it’s Ben, just Ben I think. So, I hope we can find the same Ben in Webtoon and enjoy his Dark Comedy.
I have been posted some Webtoon reviews too before in this blog, but i wrote it by Indonesia before and by English this time. Why? Whereas I realized my english completely broken? Oh, come on just let this little budy give a try to exercising her english so she can reach a better life tomorrow hahahahahaha. Pardon readers, my english might be broken but my spirit to learn never die (salut) hahahahah.
I don’t really remember when the fisrt time I discover this comic through my Webtoon apps, but my first assumed was “Dude what kind of comic is it?” before finally I studied myself and I don’t get Ben wrong with his comic anymore. It’s dark Comedy Genre. They mostly talk about Taboo, and sarcasm. I read a lot of comment whom said ‘This comic is completely not fun at all.” or “this is the failed of humor.” Or “I’m trying hard to laugh.”. i just can’t understand people lately, they always complaint on something that actually they only one person that not get into the story in a way seemslike all person did. Dude! Come on you have no rights to complain on something if you don’ get it, people just smarter than you and you need take it.
Through the comment of each episode I read many comments. Some who is don’t understand, some other who have a high IQ and taught others knowledge explaination (Thumbs up). So, since I stuied myself and I undertand of  the idea, I quiet enjoy it for sure. Ben taught about life lesson, social issues, the important think we never aware about a lot of time and he taught trough picture. I tink it’s genius way, he picturing some thought into pictures and let the reader working hard to catch the meaning of  the picture. Isn’t good huh? You exercising your reasoning ability to be sharper day by day.

This is the enjoy part being reding person. You open the book, taught yourself in silent,when you closed the book—Bang—you  already knowledgeable person. Simple.  So, if you guys enjoying haunting around Webtoon, you probably can stopby to to Ben’s masterpiece.

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Photo originally from Experience never getting old, quote sempurna dari film The Intern yang melekat dengan baik di dalam ke...

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