Senin, 06 November 2017


Welcome back again~ this is the review before your sleep, and today’s review will be the same, its’ related to webtoon (the things we have been talking alot so far) but this time we gonna talking about its Drama.

So, it’s called오늘도 형제는 평화롭다 or in translate version it’s called The Brothers (?)  aku gak tahu apa judul lain dari webtoon ini karena so far I just read the Korean version. Jadi, aku nemu Drama ini setelah berhasil meng-update aplikasi webtoon naverku ke versi yang lebih baru. Jika kamu juga salah satu pengguna webtoon naver kamu pasti menemukan menu Playbeta di bagian bawah. Klik menu tersebut maka kamu akan menemukan beberapa channel webtoon yang sudah diubah menjadi Drama. Tapi jika kamu lebih tertarik dengan mebaca versi comicnya saja, kamu bisa langusng cari dibagian menu pencarian yang ada di sudut kanan atas.

Well, how the Drama was? it was quite short and fun. Drama yang hanya berdurasi 4 menit ini asik buat hiburan sambil nunggu antrian CS di bank, atau ketika ngantuk belum kunjung datang dimalam hari hehehe. Versi komiknya juga pendek, setiap episode Cuma terdiri dari beberapa cuplikan. Kalau kamu juga baca webtoon Indonesia webtoon ini pendeknya sama seperti Tahi Lalat. Pendek  tapi ngangenin.

Bukan hanya pemerannya kece abis, tapi story line dari komik ini menyenangkan. Jarang kan ada penulis yang terpikir mengulik kehidupan para lelaki bersaudara. Nah, dalam komik ini cerita kakak beradik yang terpaut usia lumayan jauh ini luar biasa menyenangkan. Sang kakak yang berusia 27 tahun adalah seorang designer yang penampilan rapi dan klimis.  Adik yang berusia 8 tahun seorang anak SMA biasa yang penuh denga hayalan akan bagaimana rasanya jika dia mengalahkan kekuasaan seorang kakak tertua.

Cerita yang dihadirkan benar – benar penuh dengan peristiwa – peristiwa yang sering ditemukan dua orang bersaudara sehari – hari. Memakai baju satu  sama lain tanpa izin, kalah mian game, mengganti password wifi, sampai menyukai wanita yang sama. Nah, ini bagian yang paling buat cekikan ketika dua orang bersaudara ini sedang jalan disekitaran komplek rumah, kemudian sang adik bertanya (kira – kira scenenya begini)
Adik: Hyoeng bagaiman jika kita menyukai wanita yang sama?
Abang: Ya pastilah aku akna mengalah, aku kan abang.
Adik: tidak mungkin aku yang ahrus mengalah, aku kan adik.
Pada saa bersaman seorang wanita cantik nan luarbiasa lewat, si- abang bermaksud untuk menegur wanita ini untuk meminta nomer handphone.
Abang: Permisi—
Tanpa basa – basi si-adik langsung menyambar percakapan.
Adik: Abangku sudah punya pacar.
Dengan wajah bingung wanita itu mengerutkan kening, namun si-adik mencoba untuk menjelaskan maksud dari perkataannya.
Adik: errr—maksudku….
Sayangnya sebelum sempat melanjutkan si abang yang merasa akan dikhianati oleh adiknya buru – buru menjawab
Kami berdua adalah pasangan kekasih.

Dan kemudian wanita itu menjawab semoga kalian saling mencintai satu sama lain dengan penuh rasa bahagia.

ini adalah weird momen yang sering dilalui oleh abang- adik yang tidak pernah terfikir olehku. Sebagai wanita, hubunganku dengan abangku hany sering dilalui dengan pertengkaran kecil remote TV atau hal - hal sepele lainnya. Adik perempuan  seringnya menjadi tempat bertukar pikiran ketika si-abang suntuk menghadapi kehidupan pekerjaannya di kantor. Bayaganku  terhadap hubungan abang - adik sangat kaku selama ini, tapi webtoon membuat gambaran abang - adik lebih menyenangkan dari apa yang aku pikirkan.

이거 만해던데 여러분들이 웹툰 드라마도 보면좋겠다~  ini rekomen buat ditonton. Kalau kamu belum punya akun naver you can make one i think? baik komik atau short Dramanya worth to watch. So, happy watching. We gonna update and talk about this and many other webtoon next time. Have a good sleep~~

Posted by : Azhari

check our label on the right to read another post 

Rabu, 01 November 2017

Digital Diary; Look are not everything

I was fascinating by Cameron Russel a  supper top model when she talking in the TEDtalks. I have been following this channel through Youtube since several months ago, it’s one of reason I run out of  internet data very fast than my normal use hehehe, well it’s worth to watch for, tho..

As a model who have worked with such client; Vogue, Elle, Calvin Klein, Victory’s Secret Cameron was talked about look is powerful and superficial. She talking about how insecurity frame her thought, she worried about how she looks every day behind the camera. Because all that magazines had printed is contraction of  herself. Yeah, I know how this feeling, when you start feel insecure because the person that most people know you are is the person who have been through many re-touch of media of publication. But, I can understand her, I can understand all models. They don’t have to be judge by some person for their appearance out of their work industry.

What I want to talking about is this—Look.
Growing up as a gril who doesn’t like to speak up a lot and perefer to work in silent, i don’t make a lot of acts that my peer mostly did. Instead of making noise gather around with bunch of cool gengs I prefer to poolish my writing hobbies since  I was in junior high school at home. Instead of  looking for boyfriend and started learning how  to kissing, petting, or even worst you can imagine about, I choose to day dreaming myself in K-pop (yeah, I was a k-poper since junior high school. Oh come on don’t make a funny look at me hahahahahaha). So, simply said instead of being famous and stunning I was a kid in average. I didn’t do so much appealing action.
Until one day I found myself captured in my personal camera, FYI since I like doing photography I never taking a lot of picture of my face. Don’t asking me why? Because who the hell know why? Including me. My mom’s relevant explanation said; around 4 or 5 years old me have phobia toward lighting of camera, so because I was born in the era where camera should to released their lighting when capturing thing, for God’s sake— I’m not going smiling  in front of camera at that time.
It’s make sense, maybe that’s why I don’t like capturing my face a.k.a selfie or looking at thing which can reflect my appearance—errrr—like mirror (?).

So, after finding myself finally capturing not-really-bad picture of me, I feel so glad I’m not making weird look. I was 18 at that time, it was my first year in University, as college student I discovered a lot of things about photography art on the internet. I was attracted to professional who worked amazingly, they capturing photos and re-touched them in flawless way. So, as trial my current-taken-selfie was going to construction, editing my tone skin that’s first point I was concern about at that time, then touch my lips little bit gloosy like i used some of lipstick product which i wasn’t on the picture and fouilaaaaa my picture turning from average me to be amazing me. Oh, this is a masterpiece, I created this for my personal interesting.

I’m still 18, and so naïve, and vulnerable human being, without any re-think I upload that picture into my personal Facebook account that I never expected before will be booming me. I’m using Facebook in trying-to-related-to-the-world, this is the thing at that time, I was free sign up, and people build Facebook for keep intouch with their friends, or even have not specific reason. So, do I. I created Facebook for no specific reason (in case Mark never asking people specific reason before they sign up for Facebook) which I never making any move or  certain progress. But, what I got is a big worst impact. This comment like punch me on the face and molested me so much. Moreover, person who did this to me is the very close childhood friend. I never dreaming she would do some kind of this immature things.

Fake, trash face, and many unapropriate explaination she has wrote. She and her companion then continue writing something about me like “ she repaire her picture to sell it for bunch of guy, in case he never get into boy before, so she acttracts them to get some experience by faking her fucking dumb face” on her Facebook timeline.

I don’t have any idea why she so sentimental with me. Last time we talk like after  highschool graduated. We going to difference high school, different friends, different vision. We ever have once made a promise for going  to same college in the future, but that’s not me who held accountable when she can’t passed while I’m going through. No matter how much I’m thinking about this, I have no clue for exact reason for what she had done. She ruined me in social media. The only strong reason was that promise we have made before. She couldn't make it, so when I’m passed she assumed like I cheated her, like I'm not keeping our promise for going in the same college together, it couldn’t be something else. I am not stunning, famous, sexiest pretty babe as her, she couldn’t said because I’m stabing her and stollen her boyfriend for the reason of  her unmoral behaviour on Facebook.

Honestly, I was sick since that moment. I closed my Facebook account, Insecure for being persent outdoor, it’s like there is someone who keep thinking the same thought like hers everytime I move my step. Like everyone targeting me and mocking me behind. I’m not comfortable talking face to face with people especially male. She killed me for sure.
This is my invention; the worst weapons to kill someone are insult their character, torture them by verbal abuse, they will  death worst then you set a gun on their head. They are walking around, but they are just death body that the spirit have been taken away.

Why look so matter? Why look make you labeling human. Why someone else’s face  will determine their value which we already realized we are just the same damn skull face at the end of the day. Why we so overbearing something that God is borrowed us for awhile.
Can’t any boy look beyond? Look what his/her head has? they got a treasure in it, they can be capable invent new planet, making a lot of money, why face still a major problem?

We all worth the same, why we need to be injustice for each other when we breath, we eat, in exact same way. We normally formed just the same. So, why we need to overbearing and give a degrade look for another? Listen my friend, even victorya secret’s model has their own imperfection. Human is perfect in imperfection beautiful character.

ps: stil trying to be better writer in english, pardon my broken english. piss:)

Sabtu, 28 Oktober 2017


We allowed to feel blue, upset, unsatisfied, it’s possible to be happened to everyone including me, you, them, she, he, all of us. What you do then? How you can find the remedial to fix the dull day and put all dream back together again?
Some people find their cure through positive act and some others killed themselves to death in act of  healing. I hope you aren’t become the kind of morons who set theirself into death.

Ada sebuah pepatah yang mengatakan bahwa  musuh yang paling besar adalah dirimu sendiri. Ya, ketidak puasaan yang kadang – kadang datang menggangu pikiran kita tidak lain adalah ulah diri kita sendiri. Tidak dipungkiri lagi, bahwa manusia adalah makhluk paling rentan dan pencemas yang luar biasa. Ketidak percayaan kita terhadap diri sendiri kadang – kadang sering menghancurkan semangat atas mimpi – mimpi yang sudah kita bangun tinggi – tinggi hancur begitu saja. Kalah  dan gagal itu biasa, merasa lelah dan sedih itu juga bisa, tapi tetap merangkak mencari jalan keluar itu adalah hal yang LUAR BIASA.

Film memiliki banyak arti bagi setiap orang yang menikmatinya, ada yang hanya sekedar hiburan atau bahkan sebuah pembelajaran. Bagiku semua film adalah karya seni yang memiliki keindahan yang berbeda – beda dari cara mereka mengajarkan kita sebuah pelajaran.
Sebut aku naif, tapi setiap film dibuat dengan memiliki inti cerita dan pesan yang penulis coba sampaikan melalui gamabr visual. Ya, itu mungkin bukan pemikirna umum banyak orang terhadap film, tapi itu caraku melihat film.

Meski sudah berusia 23, film animasi masih saja mencuri ketertarikanku untuk ditonton. Animasi memang didesain sedemikian rupaa agar sesuai dengan imajinasi dan kehidupan anak – anak. Karna konsumen terbesar animasi adalah anak – anak, maka tidak heran jika jalan cerita yang dibuat sedemikian rupa memberi pelajaran kehidupan bagi anak – anak. Maka itu, jika kau ingin lebih bijak dalam menghadapi kehidupan, kau harus sering – sering tonton animasi hahahaha.

ZOOTOPIA misalnya, animasi yang aku dapat tahun lalu dari seorang teman. Saat itu aku masih menjalankan pendidikannku di Universitas, tepatnya tahun terakhirku. Menjadi anak tahun terakhir di Universitas benar – benar akan membuatmu hidup dalam banyak tekanan. Ini masa dimana sebentar lagi kau akan di lempar keluar dan menghadapi hidup yang sebenarnya diluar sana.

Judy Hoops memberi energi positifnya untuk menjadi apa yang ia inginkan kepada semua pennikmat animasi ini. I know it’s kinda classic, you can call it whatever you want, but this main of  this animation message for its viewers. Imagine if this was designed for Children, how many children could  have positive thought and growing up with clear vision of their future, of wha they want to be in future life.

Masa kanak – kanak adalah masa dimana pembentukan karaker terjadi. Pada periode ini pola pikir anak akan tumbuh dan membentuk wataknya. Menanam hal – hal positif akan membuat mereka tumbuh menjadi sosok yang tidak penuh dengan keraguan dan penuh percaya diri. Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan bahawa masih banyak anak – anak kita yang menjalani pertumbuhan dalam lingkungan yang salah, hingga pembentukan karakter mereka menjadi negatif yang kemudian berpengaruh pada masa depan mereka.

Judy Hoops is role model of  children positive’s spirit. Keinginannya menjadi seorang polisi kelinci pertama membuatnya berusaha sekuat tenaga. Hal ini memberi gambaran bahwa untuk setiap keinginan itu tidak mungkin didapatkan dengan cara yang mudah, semuanya membuatuhkan usaha dan kerja keras. Ini pelajaran penting yang harus kita ajarkan kepada anak – anak, agar mereka mengerti bahwa segala hal membutuhkan proses, juga sebagai pelajaran agar mereka tahu caranya bersyukur dan menghargai setiap nikmat yang diberikan Tuhan.

Kemudian ada Nicholas Wilder si rubah licik yang akhirnya menjadi polisi pertama setelah melakukan investigasi pertama bersama Judy. Apa yang kita dapat dari Nick si-Shifty?­
Masa lalu Nick yang penuh dengan penghianatan mengantarnya pada kekecewaan mendalam, lantas tidak membuat Nick sepenuhnya menjadi untrust worthy fox. Ketika Nick berpihak pada Judy yang hendak diberhentikan oleh kepala kepolisian ketika dia gagal memecahkan kasus penculikan mamal menunjukkan Nick tidak seperti apa yang persepsi umum katakan padanya, fox decided as untrust worthy mamal wasn’t because something they do wrong, mostly because society preception toward them. Stereotype, ughhh!

Two things I quoted from Nick:
1. I wasn’t gonna let anyone see the degrade to me;
Ini adalah masalah utama yang paling sering membunuh semangat dalam diri kita, ketika orang lain angkat suara akan diri kita, akan mimi dan cita – cita kita. It is right, being different isn’t easy, but only the death fish that follow the stream, right? jangan pernah takut menjadi dirimu sendiri, menjadi apa yang kamu inginkan. Jangan biarkan perkataan orang – orang menentukan masa depanmu, menentukan seperti apa masa depanmu kelak. Kamu adalah satu – satunya orang yang berhak memutuskan akan menjadi seperti apa kehidupanmu kelak. So, don’t let anyone determine your dream.

2. If worlds only gonna see a fox as a shifty untrust worthy, there is no point trying to be anything else;
Kids, you are the tresure of our generation, please don’t trun to be a person who will killed someone else character for sake of self-benefit. Jadilah generasi cerdas yang tidak hanya memegang pendapat kebanyakan, lantas berhenti mencari tahu dan belajar. Kamu dituntut untuk mencari tahu lebih banyak agar menjadi genarasi cerdas yang lebih bijaksana. Tidak menjadi generasi yang hanya pintar “Teriak” tanpa memberi perubahan.
Kutipan kedua dari Nick adalah perasaannya terhadap apa yang sudah dihadapinya ketika dia kecil. Pemikiran Stereotype membunuh banyak karakter dan impina. So, stop think stereotype.

Film ini berhasil menjadi film pembelajaran penuh semangat yang masih bertahan di driveku. Mungkin ini akan terus menjadi film yang akan kusimpan dan kuwariskan pada anak – anakku nanti.

Last but not least, either you or your kids this movie worth to watch in the weekend (maybe). I know its kinda naïve, but trust me, just kiddo animation movie which give us a moral lesson. Animation movie know how to respect us humanly, they know how to keep our unreachable dream still alive inside us even we already grown up. 

Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017

납치당하고싶은 여자 소설

My first guest writer. This article originally written by 장윤서 one of my Korean very best friend (even we not meet in real life yet, but i know you are my besty kkkkkk). She have posted this article in her official Naver blog but because one and another reason the blog was blocked for awhile.
I think it’s cool for having guest writer , anyway,  she fit in one of my Label “book”, so I asked her to let me posting one of  her book review’s article as my guest writer. Well, it’s writen by Korean language so, I think it’s little bit hard for non Korean speakers to understand, maybe you can use google translate hehehe.
I’m just tyring to keep the originality of  my guest writer writing.

원제 : さらわれたい女
작가 : 우타노 쇼고
출판 연도 : 1992

추천 대상
× 매력적인 트릭의 신본격 미스터리를 좋아하고
× 느긋한 전개보다는 속도감 있는 작품을 좋아하며
× 추리소설이라면 반전 번쯤은 나와야 하는 사람

 "저를 납치해 주세요."

   '납치당하고 싶은 여자' '벚꽃 지는 계절에 그대를 그리워하네' '밀실 살인게임'으로 국내에서도 유명한 우타노 쇼고의 초기 추리소설입니다. 그는 작품을 1992년에 발표하고 1995년까지 3년간 작품을 투고하지 않습니다. 이후에는 조금은 다른 분위기의 작품을 쓰게 되었는데, 작품은 그의 과도기의 소설이라고 있습니다. 또한 우타노 쇼고는 소설 종반부에 독자의 뒤통수를 강하게 후려치는 (반전 기법이라고도 하는) 독특한 취향(?) 가지고 있기에 작품에서도 그의 그런 모습이 어김없이 드러나고 있습니다.
 주인공인 구로다는 굉장히 운이 없는 사람입니다. 대학은 삼수 끝에 들어가고 약혼녀는 파도에 휩쓸려 죽었으며, 사는 경마는 항상 꽝이지요. 그렇게 하루하루 심부름센터 일을 하며 살아가는 앞에 어느 자신을 유괴해 달라는 여자가 상당히 금액을 들고 찾아오는 기적 같은 일이 일어납니다. 그녀의 이름은 고미야마 사오리. 남편의 사랑을 확인하고 싶으니 자신을 납치해 달라는 철없는 사모님의 간단한 부탁을 들어주고 구로다는 그녀에게도, 그녀의 남편에게도 상당한 금액을 성공적으로 챙기게 됩니다. 그는 이런 행운을 믿지 못해하며 일의 마무리를 위해 그녀를 숨겨놓은 곳으로 출발하지만 도착한 구로다를 맞이한 것은 이미 살해되어 시체가 사오리였습니다. 일개 유괴범이었지만 순식간에 살인자라는 누명을 쓰게 될지도 모르는 상황에서, 구로다는 필사적으로 자신과 고미야마 사오리는 관계가 없어 보이게 현장을 조작합니다. 하지만 그런 노력에도 불구하고 어느 그에게 전화 통이 걸려옵니다. 자신이 여자를 죽였고 당신이 유괴범인 증거를 자신이 갖고 있으니, 이를 되찾고 싶다면 그녀의 시체를 직접 처리하라고.

  소설에는 가지의 별개의, 그러나 서로 연결된 이야기가 있습니다. 주인공 구로다가 사오리를 성공적으로 납치하기 위해 설계한 트릭에 관련된 번째 이야기와 누가 사오리를 죽였는가에 관련된 번째 이야기. 그렇기에 개의 단편을 합친 듯한 느낌이 들기도 하네요. 때문에 차라리 개의 단편으로 나누었으면 좋았을 거라는 평도 있지만 저는 개인적으로 '성공한 알았던 납치 사건이 살인이라는 사건과 연결되는', 이것이 작품의 매력이라고 생각합니다. 과거와 현재를 오가며 교묘하게 바뀌는 관점은 독자로 하여금 사건의 전모를 쉽게 파악하지 못하게 하며, 반전이 여러 나오기 때문인지 뜻밖의 행운을 잡고 즐거워하던 주인공이 순식간에 무너져가는 모습을 보며 당황스러움을 감출 없기도 했습니다.
 1990년대 초반에 쓰인 작품이기에 현대에는 없는, 우리나라로 치면 전화 메시지 보관함 같은 다이얼 Q2, 전화 비서 시스템 같은 것들이 사용되고 있습니다. 나름 최신 기술처럼 설명되는 발신자 표시 기능(ㅋㅋ) 그렇습니다. 휴대폰이 완전히 대중화된 지금은 조금 어색할지 모르나 위화감이 그다지 들지 않고 오히려 트릭이 신선하게까지 느껴지는 이유는 또한 휴대폰이 없어 공중전화를 이용했던 세대이며, 만약 아직도 저런 기기들이 사용되고 있다면 작품에서 사용된 트릭은 충분히 사용될 있기 때문일 겁니다. 저자도 재판본을 출간할 작중의 기술이 현대와 바뀐 점이 많아 내용을 수정할까 고민도 했지만 결국 손을 대지 않았다고 하네요. 그는 그런 심정을 담아 " 시대였기에 성립하는 트릭, 시대밖에 없는 테마, 시대를 살았기 때문에 느낄 있는 살의, 공포, 비애를 쓰고 싶다" 인터뷰하기도 했습니다.

  가지 특이한 점은 소설은 히가시노 게이고의 초창기 작품이자 2005 국내에 번역된 '게임의 이름은 유괴' 상당히 비슷한 줄거리를 보인다는 것입니다. 덕분에 히가시노 게이고의 작품을 먼저 읽으신 분들은 책의 스토리나 결말을 미리 짐작할 있으실 같습니다. 때문에 건너 일본에서는 종종 팬덤 사이에서 히가시노 게이고가 소설의 플롯을 가져다 것인지, 아니면 우연히 비슷한 줄거리의 이야기가 나온 것뿐인 말이 나오기도 합니다. 이런 연관성은 마치 아가사 크리스티의 '비뚤어진 ' 엘러리 퀸의 'Y 비극', 작품의 관계를 떠올리게 하기도 하네요. '비뚤어진 ' 또한 'Y 비극' 모방한 작품이라는 말이 있으니까요. 후에 '게임의 이름은 유괴' 대해 적게 된다면 작품을 비교하기 조금 쉬워지지 않을까 합니다. 개인적으로는 작품이 조금 속도감이 있고 읽기 쉽다고 생각하고 있습니다.

 저는 우타노 쇼고의 작품들은 특유의 빠른 전개로 인해 시리즈물보다는 단권으로 끝나는 이런 내용을 선호하는 편입니다. 밀실 게임 시리즈 같은 시리즈물은 그의 특성이 드러나지 않아서인데, 소설이 밀실 게임에 비해 결말 부분이 깔끔하게 떨어지는 것도 마음에 드는 부분이네요. 또한 책은 후에 1999 일본에서 하기와라 마사토, 나카타니 미키를 주연으로 영화 카오스(カオス) 리메이크 되기도 했습니다. 원작을 재미있게 읽으신 분들이라면 번쯤 찾아봐도 좋겠습니다.  


Photo originally from Experience never getting old, quote sempurna dari film The Intern yang melekat dengan baik di dalam ke...

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